Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Health Tips

1. Relish your food. Time is a luxury many people don't have today. As a result, you have people rushing about their dinners, eating in front of the television, grabbing a few pieces of toast for breakfast and the like. This just won't do. By taking some time and chewing your food properly, you will be able to make sure that your digestion works efficiently.

2. Walk more often. Whenever you walk, you are actually exercising. When you have enough time, you might want to walk instead of ride. Why, with the ever-increasing costs of gasoline today, this activity might help you save some cash as well as give you the exercise you need. It is said that an average of 10,000 steps daily should help keep you fit.

3. Relax. Stress plays a key role in the degeneration of cells. If you want to keep looking younger, you should smile more. Learn to enjoy life. When you learn how to manage your life better and avoid stress, you will find that you have better health. Now that's something everyone wants.

4. No such thing as a six-second exercise. A lot of people are spending hundreds of dollars on machines that claim to exercise a person without doing any work. However, you should realize that there's more to exercise than muscle training. Using a machine to tone your abs won't work if you keep accumulating fat. You need to have cardiovascular training in order to truly use energy efficiently. You need to perform some sort of vigorous exercise which leaves your heart pounding and you nearly out of breath for more than 15 minutes at a time.

5. Be informed. Most people suffer from malnutrition simply because they turn to all the wrong solutions for their health problems. Before following a diet regime or buying a new gadget, you should really read up more on what is good for you. This includes food substitutions and get-thin-quick schemes.

6. Eat fresh and organic. Whether it comes to meat or veggies, you need to stop going for what's quick and start eating what's right. Fresh produce not only produces healthier meals, it also tastes the best. Don't you think that eating food full of chemicals with names you can't even pronounce can be just a wee bit dodgy?

7. Be active. Life is too short to waste sitting in front of the television. Be more active. Engage in some sort of activity where you actually have to move. Whether you are taking up rock climbing, martial arts, dancing or even if you just go out and buy an eye toy or a Wii, you should at least try and utilize all those muscles. If you are a retiree, you should try and take up tai-chi or some other activity which requires you to move all your muscles.

8. Set a goal. Whether you are attempting to lose, maintain or gain weight (yes, sometimes, it's better to gain weight than lose weight., you need to set a goal for yourself. Goal-setting will enable you to keep your motivation up, as it will show you what sort of progress you are actually making. Motivation is very important in keeping fit. Are you familiar with the phrase "let yourself go"? Well, that's what really happens. When you let go of your motivation, you let go of your willingness to be fit.

9. Cut back on vices. Did you know that 30 minutes after you quit smoking, your heart rate improves, your blood pleasure lowers and your breathing becomes easier? Smoking will kill you. If you want to improve your health just quit smoking. A glass or two of wine after a meal will definitely help you improve your heart rate. More than that, however, will just be equal to consuming empty calories.

10. Get help. You need some sort of support system in order to help you achieve your goal and keep on track. You might want to turn to a personal trainer, but that would require you to spend some cash. You should, instead, try to go to a friend or your family. Doing this will enable you to have a more personal contact with your support system and help you keep motivated.

11. Start today. It's all well and good to plan, but if you want to get healthy you had better begin immediately. Start being active today. Take action right now. Whether you drop that potato chip or go out running it does not matter; just do it right now. Procrastination only begets more procrastination and you never know when it might be too late.

These tips should help you make sure that you lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle will definitely help you lead a happy life. It's a*simple equation that doesn't require a rocket scientist to figure out.

Exercise videos You get a super effective program that will shape up and slim down your thighs, abs and entire body.

Spring Has Sprung - Gardening Begun - 5 Health Tips to Prevent Injury

Many of you become more active in the spring and summer. My Chiropractic office sees more patients complaining of injuries and strains as a result of yard work, gardening, or outdoor recreation like bicycling and baseball.

My husband and I enjoy gardening. We promote Permaculture that is permanent culture, a revolution designed as gardening. Permaculture ethics include:

Care of the People

Care of the Planet

Sharing the Surplus with Others

Gardening is not only a very relaxing and productive hobby, but we also enjoy watching the progress each year as the plants and flowers continue to fill in the landscape. We get excited when it is time to start the seeds for the greens and radishes. We planted the first year we moved in, so the asparagus is ready and we get to pick it for the first time this year. The garlic that we planted in the fall is coming in vigorously. Today, thunderstorms are passing through the Midwest. That means the potatoes we planted are getting a good watering.

I have been starting to see the farmers come in on rainy days. They have been busy cultivating in preparation for planting. Riding around in tractors with your head twisted around for hours at a time will cause neck strain and pain. Iowa farmers grow corn and soybeans. Many farmers in Iowa have huge farms with thousands of acres-but size does not matter when it comes to the pain generated by planting. We like diversity and on our land, we are expanding the number of fruits and vegetables that we grow on our two acres each year. It is a lot of work, but we love the fresh real food that we get to eat.

True, gardening is not always relaxing and getting out in the garden after a winter of inactivity can put you into a world of hurt. If you happened to overextend yourself or injure yourself, it will take some time to feel better and to get back to the garden. Here are some tips to prevent that pain:

1. When using a rake or hoe, remember to pull it directly toward you instead of twisting your body by pulling it from the side. This twisting motion can cause back strain.

2. Consider investing in a stool or a bench so that you can sit to garden instead of bending over at the waist and straining your back. You can flip over a five- gallon bucket on which to sit. Raised bed gardening can help to reduce back strain.

3. Engage (suck-in) your abdominal muscles when you lift your bag of mulch or start pushing the wheel barrow. Strong Abs will prevent damage to the back.

4. Use a tool to dig out a weed rather than xanking or pulling with a twisting or pulling motion. You are more likely to get the whole root of that dandelion if you dig it out so it won't return and you won't injure your neck or back.

5. When you come inside from the garden or the ball game, if you feel like you may have strained or pulled something, use ice. You can ice the sore areas for 10 minutes every hour. This can nip that pain right in the bud. If you use ice for longer than 10 to 15 minutes, you may actually irritate the sore areas. Using heat on injuries can actually slow healing.

While it is true that gardening is not always physically relaxing, if you observe the five suggestions, it can be much less physically demanding on your body and, as always with nature, spiritually rewarding.

Valorie Prahl, DC is an experienced gardener, health care provider, nutritionist, and mom. If you want to learn more about permaculture, raised bed gardening, composting, cold frames, rain barrels or greenhouses visit her website at http://www.createpermaculture.com. Her site offers information to live more sustainably, garden design, and products that will help you create a healthy productive permaculture garden.

Health Tips to Transition Into Spring

Transitioning from winter to spring is a great time to do a thorough clean of your home, purge old household items and clothing. The same can be said for the body. Here are 5 tips for making a smooth transition into spring.

1. Time to lighten up. After months of eating hearty, warming food it's time to start eating sprouts, fresh greens, pungent herbs to get the energy flowing. Fermented foods such as miso, sauerkraut, tempeh are also good to introduce into the diet. They add important probiotics to aid digestion and reduce inflammation. Another way to lighten up is to take advantage of lengthening daytime hours by waking earlier.

2. Get moving. During the cold dark winter months it is easy to stay cocooned inside watching Netflix. Spring energy is rising therefore take advantage of lighter, milder days to get up and out. Walk the seawall, ride a bike, play sports outside, anything to get your blood and Qi circulating while breathing in fresh air.

3. Cleanse. Change of seasons is always a good time to do a cleanse or detox especially transitioning from winter to spring. During winter months we try to preserve our yang energy by sleeping more, eating heavier foods, less intense activity, all of which can lead to stagnation. Qi doesn't flow as well, dampness or phlegm can build up due to overeating of rich foods. A cleanse doesn't have to mean weeks of drinking lemon water while grazing on salad and popping supplements. Follow these simple steps to jumpstart your digestive fire.

Pick the length of time that you can manage whether it's a day, a week or two or a whole month.
Make simple meals of steamed veggies, whole grains such as buckwheat, millet and quinoa.
Drink lots of water, preferably warm and add a little lemon or fresh ginger.
Limit use of oils and cut out dairy, processed foods, bread and baked goods, limit caffeine to a cup of green tea.
Add fresh herbs to cooking to enhance flavours.

If you are using a packaged detox program check with your health care provider that it is appropriate for you. Many have herbal supplements that are purging in nature to clean out the bowels. They can be too harsh for some people. Simplifying your food can be enough to give your digestive system a break and restart the fire.

4. Keep anger in check. That does not mean keeping frustrations and irritations repressed but rather acknowledging your feelings and checking in with yourself to see why am I feeling this way? Are these reasonable feelings? Are they the result of other imbalances such as poor sleep, hunger, hormones? Do I need to express these feelings in a safe way? Anger is often thought of as a negative emotion but in Chinese medicine it is the repression of anger (or any emotions) or the misdirected energy due to anger that can have a negative impact. Learn to recognize your anger and related emotions such as frustration, irritability and channel the energy that goes along with that into positive action or use it as a catalyst for emotional growth and discussion.

5. Balance the Liver. Liver*is the organ system related to spring time therefore it is easy to get out of balance at this time of year. All the previous points are great for regulating the Liver system. In TCM the Liver system is responsible for regulating the smooth flow of energy in the body, which is why you want to have daily activity to get your Qi flowing. For people prone to Liver imbalances such as migraines, menstrual irregularities or PMS, eye problems, muscle cramps or twitches this is even more crucial. As spring approaches and energy starts to rise it is important to direct this energy towards physical activity or new projects to prevent it from becoming stagnant or scattered.

Angela Foran is Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a private practice in Vancouver, Canada. She focuses on acupuncture, herbal medicine and natural health remedies for digestion, skin conditions, immune function, allergies and pain. Learn more about her Vancouver Acupuncture practice or ask a question here.

Back to School Health Tips

The following are some great back to school health tips:

Tip one: Hand washing. Kids spread germs and illness because many do not wash their hands enough, and often touch their food and faces after touching someone or something full of germs. So, if you want to stay healthy this year, teach your kids to wash their hands frequently. Attach a bottle of hand sanitizer to their backpacks for quick and easy application.

Tip two: Vitamin C. Get plenty of vitamin C to help boost the immune system so that your child can fight off the various bacteria and germs that lead to the sniffles, snuffles, coughs, colds, etc. Include orange juice in their breakfast and foods rich in vitamin C throughout the day. If necessary, supplement.

Tip three: Get to bed on time. The body rejuvenates and repairs while sleeping. If your child does not get enough sleep, their health will decline. For a healthier child, proper rest is a necessity. Most school age kids need a minimum of 9 hours of rest a night. Set and enforce a realistic bedtime that allows for plenty of rest.

Tip four: Cough into the elbow. Teach your kids not to spread germs by coughing and sneezing into their elbows. If they do it into their hands, they will spread germs to the things that they touch. Elbows are a safer, and often more convenient option, such as when your hands are full of school supplies.

Tip five: Immunize. In order to help your child avoid illness, and thus be healthier, make sure to keep them up to date with their immunizations. Regular doctor visits will help your child stay healthy, and catch any problems before they arise.

Tip six: Backpack with straps. One of the biggest problems with a child's health and school is that heavy backpacks can cause back problems. Help alleviate this by purchasing backpacks with chest straps and padding for support. You want to avoid single shoulder strap bags. This can cause back problems, misalignment, etc.

Tip seven: Eye exam. School can be tough on a child's eyes, lots of reading, be focused for a long-time, bright commercial lighting, etc. So, make sure your child's eyes aren't being strained because they need glasses or contacts. Get them an eye exam every school year so that if they do need glasses, they get them before school starts.

Tip eight: Helmets. Keep your kids safe as they go to and from school by making sure they wear a helmet on their head, and pads on knees and elbows. This will keep them safe on their bikes. If they walk, be sure to talk to them daily about watching for cars, paying attention to where they are stepping, waiting for crossing guard help, etc. If they ride a bus, talk to them about sitting forward and listening to the bus driver's instructions.

Spring Health Tips

Get Ready for Allergy Season

If you don't want to be stuck using anti-histamines all spring, consider some natural therapies. For instance, certain allergies are related to certain foods - by eliminating those foods, even hay fever can be eliminated. Cleansing, especially candida, liver or colon cleanses can also be very effective for allergy relief, as are homeopathics.

Consider Becoming an Early Bird

Studies have shown that people who wake up earlier are healthier than night owls who completely miss the morning light. Especially after our long winter with no light, it will do you good to take advantage of the early morning light and the vitamin D it gives. Vitamin D has been found (when paired with a healthy diet) to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer by two-thirds.

Get Dirty

This has a few different connotations - feel free to explore whatever meaning you give "dirty" (spring fever anyone?). However, I am referring to dirty in the most literal sense. Who here doesn't remember playing in the puddles as a kid? Heck, who doesn't remember EATING mud as a kid? Not only is exposure to a little dirt good for your inner kid (and your outer kids), exposure to bacteria is important to build healthy immune systems. So go out and play in the mud!

Eat Seasonally

'Tis the season for eating spring baby greens! When you are choosing greens, go for a mix of tastes: mild, bitter, peppery and spicy. A good example is a mix of dandelion greens, arugula, escarole, frisée, radicchio and endive. Spring greens are excellent for bone health and the digestive system, increasing digestive juices and enzymes in your liver, pancreas and stomach. Eat them before your dinner to improve your overall health.

Stop and Smell the Tulips

Even if you don't know how to meditate, one of the most valuable principles is to live in the present. I realize you have a lot to do - we all do - but stop every once in a while and just enjoy all the beauty in your life. Do only what you are doing, be only where you are. Stop multi-tasking so much and just be. In addition, research is showing that being outdoors can have benefits for both your physical and mental health. So breathe it all in and stop fussing about everything, at least for a bit.

Spring is full of transition and promise. Enjoy it. If you need help with allergies, cleanses or setting some goals to take advantage of the newness of spring, please consult a holistic health practitioner.

Kristi Shmyr is passionate about helping people move past pain and ill health so they can enjoy a fully lived life. For health, happiness and success tips to make for a more passionately lived life, you can check Prana Holistic out on the web at: http://www.pranaholistic.ca

Health Tips During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the stage where a woman bears a child in her womb and has to take care of not only herself but also the baby within her. A woman's body can be very delicate during this stage and thus the people around her needs to know what she needs and have to avoid. Some, because of their lifestyle, those who are down because of poverty, sometimes forgets the things they need to do during those nine months. Here's a list of easy activities that doesn't need too much money but definitely important for pregnant woman.

- Medical Check Ups

It is the most important for a pregnant woman to have her monthly check ups with an OB gynecologist. If not, "barangay" or city health centers offer free consultations. The gynecologist or the midwife/doctor will check you and your baby if you are in good conditions.

- Daily Vitamins

After a check up, the midwife will give the mother free vitamins for the baby's development and also for herself as her body undergoes changes for the child's growth. During pregnancy, women should always take in mind that she needs to be healthy in order for her child to be healthy as well. The right vitamins and supplements will always do the trick.

- Vaccines

While pregnant, women shouldn't take any sort of medicine unless prescribed by a doctor. Some of the drugs can affect the child's development mentally and physically. But there are vaccines such as Tetanus Toxoid as a preparation for giving birth. Infection might affect the mother or the child (like the Tetanus infection) during birth so just before that due date, the mother must have her complete shots of T. T. to protect herself and the baby. In case of wounds or any other complication, anti-tetanus serum e.g. elisa kits, etc. should also be given for faster protection. It also measures the mother's protective status and thus, determines the proper treatment.

- Exercise

It is always good for the body; exercise helps your immune system to get stronger and a lot fitter, adjusting to the change due to pregnancy. It also prevents a lot of swelling at some parts of the body.

- Diet

Food is one of the most important factors when a woman's pregnant. This is where she gets most of the nutrients and vitamins for her and her baby. Also, a balanced diet affects the nutrients that help the baby's formation and development.

- Stress/Depression

These are the factors that a pregnant woman must avoid. Depression and stress affects the child's mental development and might result into a complication after birth. It can also cause low blood pressure and might turn the mother unhealthy. As far as possible, a mother should be healthy not only physically but also mentally and emotionally.

Pregnancy can be risky but easy to handle with proper intelligence and information. Women should take care of themselves while pregnant for their child's development, it is important that a child should be born healthy and perfectly well. Though always at home, there should always be enough caution and preparation even inside the house. Parents should always be prepared for anything and keep things in handy. Just like first aid kits (also like Elisa Test Kit ), emergency hotlines, and anything that could be used in times of unexpected events. "Prevention is better than cure" is always a sensible quote to keep in mind.

Silent but highly focused, Lacey Cormier is a 20 year-old working student who studies nursing at night and works part-time on a pharmacy during the day. She likes helping customers and referring items like elisa test kits and elisa kits, new and effective generic drugs and food supplements. She lives with her family in Ohio.

Working Women Health Tips

Have you been working lately? Do you love your work? Do you find it hard to balance your work and family? Do you need a break?

Research has proved that working women have extra nutritional needs. Women who have full-time jobs and have a family are always under pressure of staying ahead of the game in a competitive work environment and trying to balance home and office and do well at both.

Does your husband lend you a hand in doing household activities or looking after children? It helps.

Some diseases like anxiety, depression, osteoporosis are more common in women.
Health Tips:

#1 You need a balanced diet containing enough vitamins and minerals as well. It improves your mental performance and your immunity which helps fight diseases.

#2 Drink a lot of water. Fresh fruit juices (without added sugar) are good too. Avoid fizzy drinks.

#3 Exercise regularly. You can go for jogging, cycling or even a walk. It helps ward off heart diseases and decrease stress and anxiety.

#4 Use the stairs instead of the elevator at the office or park your car few meters away from your workplace.

#5 Always take a break. Do not burden yourself with extra work. Take time to relax. Make a schedule.

#6 Planning is essential. Plan your week with priorities.

#7 Go for regular health checkups. Make sure your blood pressure and cholesterol are within normal limits.

#8 Sleep well at night. At least 8 hours of sleep is essential. It will keep you fresh the next day.

The strength that working women have is a wonder. However, you should know when to draw the line and take a break. You can take a vacation, travel or simply relax by chatting with friends.

Atif Farid


Health Tips While Travelling

Travelling around in different places can be tiring and unhealthy for you. Indulging in the local cuisine and culture can cause you to make a lot of unhealthy choices. When on a vacation, you would rarely remember about your diet and your calorie intake, and instead, savor the culture and the experience of the places that you are visiting. Now in essence, that is all really fine and dandy, but we can't always neglect our health, especially in travel.

1. Always keep healthy, low-fat snacks with you.

When you are sight-seeing, you would go around different areas, whether on foot or by car. This may take awhile, and it will be highly likely that you will get hungry somewhere along the trip. Out of hunger, you might risk your health with unknown and maybe even unhealthy food that can be found just around the area. Instead of that choice, you should opt to bring healthy, low-fat snacks with you, like fruits and nuts. This not only saves you a few calories, but also ensures you of the safety of the food that you are eating.

2. Be hydrated

Travelling around your destination will get very tiring, eventually. You will be losing a lot of fluids, which is why you should keep on replenishing and hydrating yourself. Bottled water would be the best way to go, since you can be sure that it is potable and safe.

3. Stay away from alcohol

This may be the hardest tip to do, since travelling would really require some alcohol. But the occasional abstinence from alcoholic beverages will make your liver quite happy, and will give you a clear mind to be able to enjoy your travels for the next day.

4. Sleep well.

These trips will surely take up a lot of your energy. It can be very tiring to be going around cities and tourist destinations all in one day. This is why you should always get enough rest at the end of the day. This will allow you to maximize your vacation in the best way possible.

5. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

If you are going to be on foot for you travels, then you should invest in a good pair of walking shoes. They can keep your comfortable even after hours and hours of walking. Some examples of these kinds of shoes are rubber or sporting shoes, and flats or canvas sandals for women.

6. Go on trekking tours.

Trekking is one of the healthiest exercises, especially when you are travelling. Not only will you experience the beauty of your surroundings, but you will also get exercised as well. So if you want the healthiest activity, trekking would be your answer.

7. Always carry hand sanitizer with you

In travelling, you can get exposed to different kinds of objects, whether sanitary or unsanitary. With this in mind, its best to have hand sanitizer with you, so that you can keep your hands clean from any foreign germs that you may come in contact with.

8. Be careful with fried food and fruits.

Fruits are really healthy food, but their fruit peelings may be dirty and infected with different germs. This is why you should take off the fruit peelings first before eating the fruit, so that you can be free of the germs. Fried food is generally unhealthy, especially when you have no idea how it was prepared. Though fried foods are very tasty, you should be careful about them since they are one of the guilty pleasures of our body, and with the exotic twist of travelling makes it ten times worse.

9. Stretch your legs and walk around.

When moving from place to place, ynu would usually be seated as you are transported to your next destination. That is why you should take every opportunity you can to stretch your legs and start walking around streets or steps for exercise.

10. Relax and have fun!

Of course, what better way to keep yourself healthy than to have a happy heart and enjoy your trip. Staying healthy is important, but enjoying your time should be your priority. Travelling should be fun, and you should just relax and enjoy the ride.

It is possible to stay healthy and to maintain a healthy lifestyle even if you are travelling in foreign lands. With those 10 tips, you can assure yourself to still be healthy as you are enjoying your trips around the area. But out of all of those tips, the number one rule is to relax and simply enjoy. Remember, you can visit a place for the first time only once. So you should make the most of that experience.

MASTA provide full travel health advice through their network of travel clinics. Visit the MASTA website to find out more and learn how to protect yourself while you are abroad.